"Zetas" and "Alphas" - new generations of leaders
06/02/2021"Every generation, has its own time..." - remember this song by the band Kombi? Today's post will talk about the new young generation, its characteristics and prognosis for "leadership". It's a well-known fact that each generation acts a little counter to the previous one and in its own way "challenges" the previously established social norms, rules, etc. So what kind of leaders and employees will the "zetas" and "alphas" become?
Who is what?
Representatives of the "Z" generation - that is, people born at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries - undoubtedly reveal themselves as leaders focused on developing others, with a strong missionary attitude to work. "Young, angry" representatives of the Alpha generation (born after 2010) may be more difficult workers - those for whom new technologies, development and high comfort are priorities. Representatives of the previous generation, known as millennials, were - and remain - strongly focused on their own needs, personal development or concern for a high quality of life. "Zetas" stand in contrast to these values and seek to respond to dynamic social changes, development and expansion of new technologies. They are very effective in this, as can be seen, for example, by how their voice is heard in the world.
"The truth is out there"
- The truth... its concept appears to be very important in the perception of the world for representatives of Generation Z. These people were raised by Generation X - known for their focus on career. As a rule, their lives are, as it were, subordinated to their careers. These traits have clearly influenced their children's generation, the Z generation. "Zetas" are focused on seeking "truth" in their own recognized forms.
- Openness to dialogue - the "Zetas" believe very strongly in it, because they care about understanding other people and learning about the world from multiple perspectives.
- Commitment to issues important to the world. You can clearly see with what willingness and energy young people are working for social equality, gender equality, sexual minorities or climate protection, and how important diversity and inclusiveness are to them. On the other hand, this generation also shows traits of pragmatism. It would seem that representatives of Generation Z have a completely philosophical disposition. However, it is not uncommon for their actions to be based on analysis and calculations.
The danger for them is undoubtedly ambition, as it is very hard to accept the fact that sometimes something may simply not be feasible. Failures are an inevitable part of any action, and such failures, we see, cause a completely uncontrollable outburst of emotion in this generation.
Alpha, or the beginning
Representatives of this generation are still children - the oldest of them are now eleven years old, however, they are already predicted to be the generation that finds itself best in the world of new technologies. It is not without reason that the "Alphas" are referred to as the iGeneration. It is projected that its representatives will surpass their parents in terms of skills and technological knowledge already at the age of 8. Surely we've all encountered situations where kids teach their elders how to use new technologies, as well as pictures when a group of kids, instead of playing outside or at least talking to each other sit with their "noses in cell phones." The previous generation treats technology as a tool. Alphas will consider it a part of themselves. For researchers, "Alphas" pose a conundrum, because technology for these, still, children can represent both a huge opportunity and a threat. Let the example of the threat here be that the excess of technology that will become an everyday, inseparable part of their identity for the "Alphas" may even lead to social anomie.
What does it all mean? We'll see..