Methods of increasing employee competence


Ph.D. dissertations can be written about the development of people in an organization, but most specialists agree that the verifying feature of an organization as a learning organization is a certain management style that harmonizes with the organization's culture, which not only enables, but to a large extent initiates all development behavior.

The expected results are to be expected only on the condition that actions are undertaken that go a little beyond skill development or knowledge expansion - attitudinal formation should also be kept in mind. We learn in order to change and develop.

We can distinguish several methods leading to an increase in the competence of employees, expanding their knowledge, triggering an active attitude and commitment. Today a few words about them.


Training, which is a series of classes on a subject, organized to supplement the education of participants or their knowledge in a particular field. Training is divided into internal and external.

Internal training - is a type of training that mainly applies to newly hired employees or transferred to a position with completely different characteristics from the previous one.

Pros of internal trainingMinuses of internal training
Topics ideally suited to the company's problems Subjective perspective
Smooth flow of information within the company Laden with relationships within the organization
Lower costs Danger of duplication of mistakes and patterns

External training, is training carried out outside the permanent workplace, the purpose of which is to impart theoretical knowledge and learn specific behaviors. What are the advantages of external training?

Pros of external training Minuses of external training
Very high content
and organizational level
They are fraught with risk
Highly qualified trainers Due to costs, many companies train
only key employees
New messages from outside the organization


One-on-one technique to develop skills, knowledge, attitudes. It is most effective if it can take place informally, as part of the normal management or leadership process. Coaching is also divided into internal and external.

Pros of internal coaching Minuses of internal coaching
The coach is theoretically always available It runs the risk of lacking
The coach knows the company's organization in detail Is sometimes disturbed by personal relationships
Pros of external coaching Minuses of external coaching
Very high knowledge gain at
work place
Very high costs
A look from the outside This method is fraught with risk
Fresh ideas


A process in which selected and trained individuals provide guidance and advice to enable their mentees to pursue a career. Mentoring is designed to complement on-the-job learning.


A specially selected group of people who, with the help of a mentor, collectively analyze issues related to the company and their effectiveness as a team in order to take action in which the participants will be fully involved


Modeled after a meeting of experts in some field of knowledge, with - in the case of this
training technique - there is a division between experts and listeners.

Employee training and human resource development is a fundamental factor in the competitive advantage of companies. The experience of successful Polish and foreign companies confirms that this factor supports the company's development strategy, so the necessity to invest in employees seems obvious.