What's next for HR?
04/14/2021HR experienced a renaissance in 2019. Leaders in the industry wanted to reinvent and reimagine employee practices. In 2019, the geo-market situation was stabilized. It was a good time to adapt HR to the then-current condition. Then came 2020, and with it a virus. As you know, the situation in labor markets was changing dynamically. Of all the disruptors, the transition of many companies to a remote work model can certainly be considered as the most complex. This operation, in fact, involves virtually the entire system of operation of any company.
The line of employee - employer
According to the ServiceNow survey, more than half of those surveyed said their organization has taken appropriate steps to help employees deal with the stress of remote work. however, 60% still anticipate that the employer will ultimately put business continuity over workplace safety, so the employer-employee relationship is certainly not rosy.
Where in all of this HR?
More than 90% of executives surveyed by ServiceNow said that the pandemic has required them to take a fresh look at their labor market operating models, including the service or manufacturing sectors - it has forced the company to rethink how work is done. What are the conclusions of this rethinking? We already know that the epidemiological situation will become a permanent threat, under the pillory of which we will have to learn to function. As a result, it was noted that, care must be taken to consolidate change in the long term.
An outline of the scale of work for HR
Contrary to appearances, there is a lot of work to do, and definitely more than it seemed. With various strictures, production lines, as well as as well as the ways in which line workers work have changed dramatically. Systems shift work, an increase in the number of fewer teams, sanitary restrictions and so on. All this, as well as the transformation to a remote way of controlling and management are real challenges awaiting HR professionals. In fact it is impossible to remember such a huge amount of information and organize the flow of of information in an efficient way as it was done stationary. "On-site" it was much easier and faster to organize at least a quick briefing meeting informational meeting, communicating in real time and dynamically implemented change in the work organization.
Aids for HR
Let's break down the management model into three main categories. We'll describe them by adapting the current, more digital form of communication, and give some tips for each area:
- Information management: Employers need to deliver targeted, personalized communications. Retraining takes place in the workflow. Leaders must actively listen to employees, focusing on the "moments that matter." The organization should meet with employees in the workspace of their choice, whether it is on a mobile device or via a platform such as Microsoft Teams.
- Employer-employee relations: A smart and personalized digital team headquarters to give employees a shared sense of belonging when they are not in a face-to-face environment. Using this type of solution, savings will be created. It is worth using the newly created budget from changes in real estate expenses to home office stipends and invest the unused travel and conference savings into care programs for children and the elderly.
- Productivity from anywhere: Create "corporate Geek Branch" to support employees. Rely on electronic document management. Connected service centers at the digital headquarters to provide employees with a single place to get help.
This, of course, is an outline of the HR industry's challenges. Only the very tip of the iceberg, but it is already apparent that you will need the right tools to systematize such a volume of tasks. An excellent solution is management systems, which include these as well as many other capabilities in their design. The tasks listed here, are among the initial ones, in which personalizing the profile of activities of a particular employee is the work of an HR specialist. To ensure the continuity of remote management, there is a need for more extensive capabilities of the above-mentioned programs, which, as it were, analyze the information themselves on the basis of algorithms, for example - when finding a replacement in a large company, where we are looking for an employee with competencies as close as possible to those of the person being replaced.