Our temperaments and the way of acquiring knowledge


There are four most popular temperaments. Two on the extrovert side: choleric and sanguine, and those on the opposite, introverted side: phlegmatic and melancholic. Temperament has a lot to do with our lives, personality and behavior. It also influences the way we acquire knowledge!
Awareness and understanding of your temperament will help you find our problem areas and deal with them, finding the best way for us to learn.

Choleric- set yourself a goal

A person with a choleric temperament likes to do a lot of things at once. Such person wants to be the best in all areas, he also wants to absorb a lot of information. And that's great, because it is worth being familiar with many areas.
However, the problem may arise when the choleric wants to become an expert in a given industry. When it's hard to focus your attention on a topic for an extended period of time, learning a large dose of knowledge can be a tough nut to crack.
In this case, it is recommended to set goals and achieve them. Challenges are something choleric people like- and how! Dividing the long learning process into modules and treating them as a kind of challenge can positively motivate.

Sanguine- act actively

People with this temperament are typical extroverts. They like the attention of others, they are driven by interpersonal contacts. They are often active, talkative and basically "everywhere".
Learning by working in a group is a great choice - the sanguines will get the most out of such interactions. They can test their skills live, make mistakes, draw conclusions and develop.
It is also important to vary your learning methods. Probably each of us remembers at least one such person from school who participated in any additional activities, and at the same time often came to classes unprepared. It is important for sanguines that the learning process itself is fun to be surprised. That is why it is so difficult for them to motivate themselves to work during the school routine.

Melancholic- organize the space and analyze in depth

During work or study, most people with a melancholic temperament value a detailed schedule and adherence to a plan, the possibility to think analytically and calm. Therefore, it is worthwhile to review the training material carefully and create your notes. Such content will meet your requirements, and using it will be pure pleasure. The fact is that melancholy rarely have problems with the assimilation of knowledge, and their results are often high- it is through a calm approach, in-depth analysis.

Phlegmatic- act at your own pace

Phlegmatics- people who are calm, patient and easy-going. They like to act at their own pace, then the results of their work are most effective. This does not mean, however, that group participation is not for them- phlegmatic people like to live well with everyone, they avoid conflicts, therefore brainstorming or group work with them can be fruitful.
Phlegmatics, just like the melancholy, like when the learning process is planned in advance and, importantly, when we stick to this plan. Therefore, it is worth taking advantage of various types of training that are conducted by professionals.
It is also worth thinking about the reward system- it can properly motivate you to work.

And it is clear that the following tips are a big generalization, but I encourage you to familiarize yourself with your temperaments, which, by the way, are often a mixture of several of the above, and understand the processes that take place in us. Let's take this as the next step towards developing emotional intelligence.