A new approach to learning


On November 14, 2019, the MSUES 3.0 catalog conference was held at the Garden Inn Hotel. The event was organized by the Voivodship Labor Office and it must be admitted ... it was well organized. The whole meeting was divided into four thematic blocks with a general combination of knowledge. The world is getting better and better connected, which means that it transfers information and thus the quantity is already at the moment when it is not used. How then, to concentrate on training employees, so through the process brought the measurable expected effect? The speakers present extremely interesting issues to be developed, in a very creative way, facing increasing challenges. Let's look at these solutions.

"Space" technologies

In solutions, we can mention technologies such as AR, VR and AI. At the beginning let's decipher these shortcuts:

AR (Augmented Reality) - You probably remember the famous "Pokemon GO", right? Using the camera in the phone, we can see a picture of the place where you will be, the application puts on the image those funny creatures that the user has to catch. Augmented reality on overlaid digital images, texts, and videos into the existing real world. Special glasses that emit these visualizations are usually used for this.

VR (Virtual Reality) - This is a completely modeled by the program image of interactive reality in which the user can find himself after putting on glasses. We can move our available body, but we can see a completely created world.

AI (Artificial Intelligence) - Integrated technology that raises the most interest among listeners. The subject is so controversial as it has really been used for a long time and on a large scale, even in reproduction. Artificial intelligence, itself, learns tasks assigned to eliminate their own mistakes in the future, and, unlike humans, does not need sleep. The use of these technologies in training courses can potentially facilitate their implementation. We do not need to rent, rooms or organize catering for participants, i.e. service of this type of infrastructure. Ultimately, such training, the participant, can be carried out even in the comfort of your own home. I must admit - adopting such technologies for training sounds extremely interesting.

All our senses

We communicate with each other (like, any other animal) on 2 levels: verbal and non-verbal. Another speaker drew attention to the latter way of communication. At the subconscious level, and thus much faster, as well as more effectively mapping in the brains, our bodies pass information about themselves in about 70%. Imagine a cooking program in which a chef prepares great-looking food. He tries and tells us how the dish tastes great. And now let's imagine how much better information about the taste would reach us if we could feel the smell coming straight to our nose. Sounds great right? Our concept of taste is defined in approximately 80% in the fragrance. In addition, we would know if we properly perform each stage of meal preparation. The well-known chef Gordon Ramsay has a great rule: "No color no flavaor" - so no color, no taste. Cooked meat does not smell, and hence, does not taste as good as it is deliciously browned, right? This way of transmitting information allows our brains to fully create an image of a given object.


The term "meat", as a jargon in a training environment, is used to describe specific knowledge that we need to acquire, such as learning software etc. Well, but what to do when there are several programs and the time for learning all is very limited? Of course, all the above-mentioned technologies and approaches come to the rescue, but also a different approach to science itself than just "hard" knowledge transfer. Let's expand the example of giving fish and fishing rod. Take, for example, a water reservoir in which 10 species of fish swim. In this case, we have 10 different rods for each fish, a different fishing rod. And now, let's imagine that there are 1000 different types of fish in this body of water. It would take a long time to transfer and later effectively acquire knowledge of all types of rods used to catch them. The speaker talking about this issue proposed the term "competence containers". He outlined a new approach to learning as, using this example, to provide information on the construction of rods themselves. In this approach, we focus on equipping a person with knowledge in the field, building a tool that will effectively ensure the catching of any species of fish. Competence containers are a narrow range of knowledge for creative use.

Our seniors

At the moment, we are accommodating 4 generations of employees on our labor market. In a short time this number will increase to 6, which means that currently 50+ employees will become 70+ employees. This is due to the fact that simply with the development of medicine, our life time increases. This sets new requirements for employers who will have to face the need to create jobs for our seniors. This brings a number of challenges, such as the infrastructure of the workplace. The undoubted benefit is that such people have extensive experience and knowledge that they can share with younger colleagues. All the described technologies facilitate the learning process, which is known to slow down with age. In many American companies, e.g. law firms, the president of a large corporation, after reaching the statutory age, gives way to a younger person, however, he gains the role of "honorary president", serving his successor with advice and experience - a mentoring role, but no longer being a decision maker. As you can see, the new "faster" world is putting ever greater demands in every field, including our training. Technologies so dynamically developing and approaches to the very issue of science are evolving before our eyes, but we can proudly observe that our country is at the forefront of innovation in this field!