The importance of communication for human


Man and his identity

Who defines our identity as a human? Do we do it ourselves or do we need others to do it? Climbing the ladder of the needs of prof. Maslow, at the moment when we have our experience needs met, i.e. we are full, warmed up and we feel generally "secured", the needs of satisfying identity needs run in us.

We are not able to answer our own questions about ourselves. We need other people for this. Each of us is born without a sense of identity. In the course of development, we learn from other people. Our strengths and weaknesses - in other words what we are really good at, we learn by being assessed by others. Accurate communication in this field effectively enables us to build our image in the eyes of other people. The communicative person will effectively deliver the message to his interlocutor and will be considered exactly as he is.

Man and society

In the book "No Man Is an Island" by John Donne, the significance of human relationships is contained. The author describes in an interesting way the human tendency of man to create archipelagos rather than being a lonely island. Where does this natural tendency come from? This is due to the fact that by communicating with other people, in addition to obvious practical effects, we meet a number of our own needs. We can divide them into 6 main categories:

  • The need of pleasure
  • The need to show affection
  • The need to belong
  • The Need to escape
  • The need to exercise control
  • Looking at this list, it's hard to imagine our lives without communicating, right?

Effective communication should be structured to be effective and carry its main premise: Communication.