The essence of managing emotions in relationship management?


Let's start today's post with the fact that there is no such thing as a bad emotion. All emotions are important and necessary. Each has its place and serves something different. Aggression? A very important emotion that should not (like NONE) be let go of or suppress it. Apart from the obvious task - behavioral actions in extreme situations, it is mainly used to set boundaries and defend them in relationships between people. I will develop the topic in the following parts of this post.

Managing your emotions intelligently means skillfully managing your emotions to keep them under control and emotional balance. If you can do this, it will be a positive experience for you and those around you. I closed the management of emotions in three different points, I think that they create a kind of "action plan" for effectively controlling them.

Let your emotions in

Traditional education and upbringing almost never teach you how to deal with your emotions. Instead, it tries to make you believe that there are feelings and emotions that you should never experience. For example, they tell you that crying or showing fear does not solve anything and should be nipped from the bud. These "frames" are most often set by our parents, and the child tries to fit into them all his life. However, managing your emotions must not be about suppressing them, but about directing them in the right direction.

Okay, but how does this relate to relationships with others? Well, by allowing ourselves the emotions we all experience, we become much more empathetic. Learning that we do not have the same "frames", and that everyone has their own and in their own degree reacts differently, teaches patience, understanding, and true humility.

Observe. Look around.

By allowing all emotions to come to us, we have a great opportunity to carefully examine them, find out where our reactions and behaviors come from. In relationships with other people, we actually show ourselves. In others we see our reflection, and what irritates us is the reflection of our own characteristics. Understanding this in a relationship with another person will allow us to "start with ourselves". People who understand this may again meet "at the table" with a completely different attitude, which in this case is doomed to success!

The only right way looking

The only right way to look at emotions is to look critically. It is widely believed that emotions arise only mechanically and are beyond our control. These are merely interpretations of perceived reality that are sometimes firmly founded but sometimes not. Sometimes they are the result of correct reasoning, and sometimes they are the result of completely wrong beliefs. For example, we can assume - "automatically" that something is too difficult for us, even impossible. Or we can approach a matter in such a way that it is an opportunity for us and try to treat it as one that is within our reach. Slowly and calmly performing an activity, you may even find that there is… This division into task stages and focusing on each element in turn is a great tip for managers to help members of their teams.